Photo byAbby Chung via Pexels

I landed an amazing job I never knew I wanted

The art of starting from scratch

Ana Balbachevsky
7 min readJul 5, 2021


I’ve said this repeatedly to recruiters, and I guess most of them do not believe it, but I’ve always wanted to work in HR. I love doing interviews, even though most people don’t. I genuinely like people. But, like most, I was too young when I had to decide what I wanted to study in university, and it has taken me some time to get to where I am today.

Now it’s finally happened: I got what I believe is my dream job, even though my old self might not have thought so. I’ve recently landed a position to build up an HR function from scratch while working part-time in a tech startup that so happens to be led by a woman — cool, right?

But how did I get here?

The answer to this question is not an easy one. While reading Rainesford Stauffer’s story: It’s Okay to Outgrow the Life You Thought You Wanted, I realized my journey to become who I am today was a long one, and I outgrew many things along the way. I hope 15-year-old me is proud of the woman I am at 30.

I’m sure many recruiters will take a look at my CV, and they’ll either think it’s a Frankenstein — so many different experiences that don’t match — or they’ll think I’m a “job hopper” for not sticking for so long with some of my employers. However, I’m glad my…



Ana Balbachevsky

Brazilian, Immigrant, Feminist. I love all things Tech and HR. I enjoy writing about matters of the heart: life lessons, career advice, and travel ❤︎